Feel like writing …

If I feel to write about anything,I will write and post immediately whatever it takes.But I don’t feel like writing  about it,but some thing is forcing me inside to write on it.I am going to write about my wild dream which I had few days back and I don’t want to hold it inside as well,it’s eating my head

She couldn’t believe she was sitting next to herself.Person who looks alike her lying dead besides her.Her mother was crying and she couldn’t keep watching her mother cry.She wanted to wipe her tears but she was not able to touch her.She was not able to believe the happenings around her.Then she concluded that person who is lying dead is not who likes alike her but herself.She nodded her head,rubbed her eyes twice,but things didn’t change.No matter how she tried,it was too hectic to figure out how she died.

If some unexpected and bitter things happen,Like everyone she wished to wake up from the bad dream.No magic has happened to tell her it is a dream.But tears keeps rolling down over her cheeks.Suddenly,white ray of light is coming towards her.Human mind’s imagination is wild and it’s ridiculous some times.So many Wh questions are arisen. Is anyone coming through it to collect my soul?Is destination Heaven or Hell?Can I see God in this journey ?All of sudden,some thing has put an end to her imagination.She turned back suddenly after hearing some one knocking the door.Yes,She was able to hear her own heart beat,deep breath of her friend next to her cot,wind which is blowing fast outside.Her eyes were wide open.She wiped her tears,got up from the bed and opened the door at midnight but nobody was there.Still,Now I am not able to believe it was a dream and I am happy it ended well before some one has arrived in my dream. At last,bright smile spreaded over my face in that mid night to tell myself that  I am still alive and no body came to collect my soul.

Is it the stairway to Heaven??

Is it the stairway to Heaven??

Few days back,I watched a Korean drama called 49 Days .I was so captivated by the cast,story line of this drama.This story might have been a reason for the dream.Still I am not able to believe that it was a dream.Everything looks like real but I could feel the fear of death.As I watched myself die, I am experiencing restless nights the dream shook me to the core.I am grateful that I woke up from the dream and I am really very happy to be alive at this moment

Categories: Memories | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 36 Comments

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36 thoughts on “Feel like writing …

  1. Sonel

    Well written Praveena. Love the picture. 😀

    • Thank you for the visit and comment :)I am glad you liked it.Have a nice day !!!

      • Sonel

        You’re very welcome Praveena and have a great day too! 😀 *hugs*

  2. Oh! that’s really one of the horrible dream seeing ourselves dead & with the irony of watching mother crying. You have expressed well 🙂

  3. That is some dream. nice photo !

  4. Beautiful story my friend. Sometimes, it takes certain events to realize how precious and amazing life is no matter how much heartaches and pain it sometimes creates. “At last,bright smile spreaded over my face in that mid night to tell myself that I am still alive and no body came to collect my soul.”

    • Well said.I realized life is precious no matter what happens in our life.Thanks for the visit Island Traveler 🙂

  5. glad it was only a dream…a very vivid one too. 🙂

  6. Beautifully written post bout dreams:)

  7. Martian Poet

    Looks like something similar dream I had few years ago.. terrible 🙂 but this is a wake of our subconscious minds 🙂

    • Terrible,When I think about it,I am afraid of my own heart beat.Have you experienced similar dream?Thanks for the visit

      • Martian Poet

        Yes of course, I did long back not now, 🙂 I never dream about it!!

  8. Praveena, nobody really knows what our dreams are made of. Our subconscious is being prod by something, that is for sure.

    Your dream became our reality last year when our daughter passed away suddenly and we were standing, crying, beside her lifeless body. She too was always afraid of being dead but death came so quickly she would not have known what was happening. That is our consolation. Death is not so bad – it is the dying we are afraid of and you know that, because the dead person in your dream wanted to console your mother by wiping her tears.

    Thank you for sharing your dream and writing it down with such beautiful feelings.

    • I am sorry that you lost your daughter.After reading this,What you said about death is understandable.Thanks for penning down your thoughts.But still I don’t get the maturity to understand it.Thanks for the visit and comment.I appreciate your visit.

  9. Funny how our two posts meet at bedtime. Yours about a a dream, mine about preparing grandson for sweet dreams.

  10. I hate such nightmares…. good that you put them in your words… wonderful write up Praveena…there is one such thing which disturbs me from time to time…. hate it….lets see when will I get rid of it…. by the way are you on FB?

  11. Sorry to hear you had such an unsettling dream. Sounds like it really shook you — for good reason! Hopefully in the writing down of your thoughts, you can release them fully.

    • True indeed-it’s for good reason!!!?Thanks for the visit and comment.I am thinking how did I forget to click “Follow”.It’s done..Happy weekend!!!

  12. That sure sounds scary Praveena! I can imagine how relieved you must have been to wake up from that dream! 🙂

  13. Scary yet beautiful..n All’s well that ends well 🙂

  14. Thanks for sharing your world in thoughts and images. Thanks for the recent comment too. Have a great day,

I would like to hear your thoughts .Thanks for dropping by !!!

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