Monthly Archives: September 2013

Happy Birthday !!!

Happy birthday my dear brother.I know very well I care for you very much deep inside my heart. But I don’t know why is it so difficult to say “You are very special person in my life”. At least today I should say how special you are to me.Even though some times(it’s not fair to say “some times”) we ended up teasing ,hurting each other.I remember we have  lot of sweet moments to remember.

Let me remember you few moments. Do you remember I have kept so many secrets from mom and dad for you?You did the same as well for me.We both have tried to lift mom and made her fell down?We used to point out each other when we did some thing wrong?I loved to fight over silly things with you without any reason.I might have been little harsh with you during our child hood since mom likes you more.You have supported,cared,sacrificed many things for me several times.I used to hit you when I had tried to help your exams.I know it means “torturing” in your dictionary and  you know I can’t help myself stop doing that. Aww, one more thing is still in my eyes as it happened like yesterday.When our neighbors took us an example for “most affectionate brother sister”,we exchanged a serious look trying to control the burst out laughing.I can keep on adding things into the list.Thanks for adding spiciness in my life.



There is a saying that “Younger ones always snatch from elder ones”. I have seen so many examples  so far. But it’s absolutely false .First thing comes out from his mouth is “Let her do it first,let her eat it first”. I remember each and every thing  you have done to comfort me when I was feeling down.I used to say utter some nonsense words like “Please grow up, Act upon your age”.

You are a good son,caring brother,true friend.May you have many many returns of the day.My life should have been boring if you haven’t born.So,Thanks for being born.Wishing you all success in your life.Be happy and keep smiling !!!

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